Pause on Collecting Statement
The Gaston County Museum has been a collecting institution since 1976. In that time, the collections have grown to nearly 83,000 art and historical objects and documents! As we approach our 50th anniversary, the Museum is pausing its collecting efforts to further reflect on the new direction for the Museum and continue to care for the items already in the collection. We are excited to develop a revised call for collections intended to ensure continued focus on our mission of preservation and education, serving our community for decades to come.
John T. Biggers Gift
The Gaston County Museum of Art & History announces a ground-breaking gift of 250 works by John T. Biggers from the Hazel Biggers Trust- one of the largest single collections of works on paper from the significant 20th century artist, and Gastonia native.
Recent Acquisition:
Exploe the new Lineberger Collection researched and written by the 2024 Collections and Curatorial Intern by clicking here.
Additional Resources:
Explore more Gaston County history, and digitized Gaston County Museum collections by searching DigitalNC.
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