Individuals who choose to make a planned gift to the Museum are included in our Legacy Society.
For nearly 50 years, the Gaston County Museum of Art and History has been the only institution that has preserved the incredible stories and culture of our shared, countywide heritage. An important way some donors have sustained our mission is by arranging for the Museum in their estate plans. Legacy giving can provide for your loved ones while also supporting the work of preserving the history and art of Gaston County.
Individuals who choose to make a planned gift to the Museum are included in our Legacy Society. Benefits of the Society include:
- Invitations to special events and talks.
- A pin acknowledging your membership.
- Direct access to the Museum Director to discuss your philanthropic plans.
- Recognition of your membership along with the other individuals in the Legacy Society in our newsletter once per year (you can also choose to be anonymous).
Option #1
If you would like to give an unrestricted bequest, you might consider sharing the following sample language with your attorney:
“I give [a specific dollar amount/a specific asset, or percentage of the rest, residue, and remainder of my estate] to the Gaston County Museum of Art and History, the charitable, tax-exempt organization located in Dallas, North Carolina for its general purposes.”
Option #2
If you would like to give a bequest for a specific purpose, the following sample language may be useful to share with your attorney:
“I give [a specific dollar amount/a specific asset, or percentage of the rest, residue, and remainder of my estate] to the Gaston County Museum of Art and History, the charitable, tax-exempt organization located in Dallas, North Carolina to be used for the following purpose: [state purpose].”
*Please note that if you wish to restrict your bequest to a specific purpose, endowment, or program at the Museum, please contact Alexandrea Pizza in advance to assure that the language which you include will accomplish your wishes and align with the Museum’s needs.
While your will (or codicil) should be prepared by your attorney in consultation with your advisors, we are available to discuss all opportunities with you.
For more information, please contact the Museum Director Alexandrea Pizza at (704) 922-7681 ext. 101 or at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..